Photo of drawing from Heidi by email of 8-16-13. The yellow pages is some drawings Anne Kirsti Augestad, my friend that Oliver called Annie, and I made of the lashing of the raft. So that some of the groups in the camp that needed some help could look at it to have some ide about how to do it.
Collecting birch sap In the Norway camp, from Heidi email 12-7-12
At the camp, NorwayHeidi's collection
repairing sled on skiisHeidi's collection, also called Scan0003_0003 2.jpg, 2004 ?
Oliver with Rein by lakeHeidi's collection
2004 ?
Ole and Rein
making snowshoes, From Heidi by email Jan 2010
2004 ?
From Heidi by email on 8-16-13
TUVA, BOB, DORENE AND EDWIN.jpg photo from Heidi by email 5,26,11