Photos » Curt Madison Photos - 1978 Barrel Stove Construction 1978 Barrel stove construction 1978 Barrel stove construction - opening an oil drum. 1978 Barrel stove construction - opening an oil drum. 1978 Barrel stove construction 1978 Barrel stove construction 1978 Barrel stove construction 1978 Barrel stove construction 1978 Barrel stove construction - completed stove with oven. 1978 Barrel stove construction - completed stove withoven 1978 Barrel stove construction-flanging of stove door 1978 Barrel stove construction - flattened oil drum metal 1978 Barrel stove construction 1978 Barrel stove construction 1978 Barrel stove construction 1978 Barrel stove construction 1978 Barrel stove construction 1978 Barrel stove construction stove from an oil drum-1978 Barrel stove construction 1978 Barrel stove construction 1978 Barrel stove construction 1978 Barrel stove construction 1978 Barrel stove construction 1978 Barrel stove construction Stove building-1978 Barrel stove construction 1 2 3 ►