dugout canoeHeidi's collection, 5,26, 2015, another photo with lower resolution was dated Sept, 9, 2004
2004 ?
Photo from Heidi by email of 8-9-13. "On the picture where he is working on the raft you can see how it is put together in the middle"
log for dugout canoe, From Heidi
From Heidi by email on 8-16-13
Photo from Heidi by email of 8-16-13. Photo by Anne Kirsti Augestad. Heidi says: This shows the other type of raft with a gap in the middle."
Oliver in one of the dug out canoes he made from a standing tree at Dammann's camp near Oslo Norway
Oliver paddling dugout on snowy lake - from Heidi Jan 2010 by email,Oliver in one of the dugouts on the lake at the camp in Norway
dougout canoe in rough water, From Heidi, dougout canoe in rough water, Left to right: Heidi Dammann, two friends, and Rein Dammann struggle to get the dugout free of the rapids
dugout canoe in rough water, From Heidi
dugout canoe
Heidi sent this photo in an email on 8-16-13. Photo take by Anne Kirsti Augestad. Heidi says: "Picture "Heidi lager flåte med Oliver. 001.jpg". Shows the metal bar behind my back" This bar is to hold the logs in place.
dugout canoe submerged, From Heidi
a lower resolution of this photo came from Heidi by email of 8-16-13. Photo taken by Anne Kirsti Augestad. Heidi says: "Picture "Heidi og Oliver bygger flåten.jpg" This raft has a different constructions without any gap in the middle."
dugout canoe
dugout canoe, From Heidi
Heidi sent this photo in an email on 8-16-13. Photo take by Anne Kirsti Augestad. Heidi says: "Picture "Heidi lager flåte med Oliver. 001.jpg". Shows the metal bar behind my back" This bar is to hold the logs in place.
Oliver building raftHeidi's collection
Heidi and Oliver building raftHeidi's collection
raftingHeidi's collection
building rafts Heidi's collection
raft Oliver and ?Heidi's collection
a lower resolution of this photo came from Heidi by email of 8-16-13. Photo taken by Anne Kirsti Augestad. Heidi says: "Picture "Heidi og Oliver bygger flåten.jpg" This raft has a different constructions without any gap in the middle."